
SWIFT Payouts

Supported Currencies




  • The Recipient may need to complete remittance declaration forms and provide supporting documentation to explain the reason for payment

Field Requirements




Payment Address




SWIFT BIC (8) or (11): xxxxTWxx or xxxxTWxxxxx
RegEx format: ^[A-Z]{4}TW[A-Z0-9]{2}([A-Z0-9]{3})?$




Only required if the name on the account differs to the Recipient name



Country, City, streetName and Postal Code are required

phoneCountryCode & phoneNumber

Recommended for payouts in AUD, USD and EUR


Required if recipientType = “corporate”

firstName & lastName

First Name and Last Name if recipientType = “Individual”



Select Payment Reason Code from list below

Payment Reason Codes

PaymentReason CodeDescription
695Transaction without flow of funds
696Interest payment for foreign currency deposits
700Payment for imported goods
701Payment for goods not yet imported
702Fuel and supply payment
704Payment for samples
129Other insurance-related payments
131Business receipts
132Tourism receipts
133receipts of visiting relatives
134receipts of studying abroad
135Credit card payment
139Other traveling receipts
191Cultural expense
192Trade commission and agency receipts
193Payments related to local construction project
194Financial service receipts
195Payments for the right to use intangible assets
196Overseas office expenses
197Outward remittance for tripartite trade
19A Postal and telecommunication expense
19B Computer and information receipts
19C Leasing receipts
19D Professional and technical service receipts
19E Video-audio receipts
19F Outward remittance of service income of foreign government agency
19G Other service receipts of civil or military organs
199Other service receipts
210Outward direct investment
220Outward loan investment
250Deposit overseas
262Investment in overseas equity stocks
263Investment in overseas long-term bonds
264Investment in overseas short-term notes
265Investment in overseas financial derivatives
270Investment in overseas real estate
280Lending (principal) to non-resident abroad
281Issuance of Taiwan depository receipts by overseas nationals
282Issuance of bonds in the R.O.C by overseas nationals
299Other outflows of domestic funds
310Equity investments by foreign nationals and overseas Chinese overseas Chinese
320Loan investments by foreign nationals and overseas Chinese
330Foreign trust funds invested in the R.O.C.
340Repayment (principal) of borrowing foreign
341Repayment of external corporate bonds
350Withdrawal of deposits by foreigners
360Outward remittance of securities investment by foreigners
111Cargo shipping receipts
112Passenger shipping receipts
115Airfreight receipts
116Air passenger service receipts
118Transportation vehicle repair receipts
119Other transportation-receipts
121Cargo insurance receipts
122Payment for cargo insurance claim
123Payment for other types insurance claim
370Withdrawal of real estate investment by foreigners
380Redemption of global depository receipts
391Installment payments (principal) for imports financing
392Capital leasing receipts
399Other outflows of foreign funds
410Outward remittance of non-resident's wages and salaries
440Interest of foreign borrowing
441Revenue earned by foreign nationals and overseas Chinese from direct investments in the R.O.C.
442Equity stock income
443Deposit interest of foreign nationals
444Import finance related interest
445Income from long-term bonds
446Income from short-term notes
447Income from financial derivatives products
448Interest on loan investments by foreign nationals and overseas Chinese
449Other investment income of foreigners
510Outward remittances for allowances for family or relatives
511Remittance by guest workers
520Donation remittance
530Immigration remittance
580Payments made by the government
599Other transfers payments
611Returns of export payments
612Foreigners exchange back foreign currency
615Purchase of intangible asset ownership
619Other outward remittances
691Repayments of export promotion loans
692Purchase of foreign exchange and deposit into foreign currency deposit account
693Foreign exchange transferred to another domestic bank
694Converting one foreign currency to another
711Receipts from merchanting trade