
SWIFT Payouts

Supported Currencies




  • Send Payments may contact remitter of payment for additional information if requested by recipient bank
  • For IDR payments with payment reason 'export goods' (code: 1011) please also provide Invoice number(s) or group of invoice numbers in the reference field

Field Requirements




Payment Address




SWIFT BIC (8) or (11): xxxxIDxx or
RegEx format: ^[A-Z]{4}ID[A-Z0-9]{2}([A-Z0-9]{3})?$




Only required if the name on the account differs to the Recipient name



Country, City, streetName and Postal Code are required


Required if recipientType = “corporate”


Required if recipientType = “corporate” and Payout is IDR

firstName & lastName

First Name and Last Name if recipientType = “Individual”


Required if recipientType = “Individual” and Payout is IDR



Select Payment Reason Code from list below

Payment Reasons

Payment Reason CodeDescription
1011Export goods
1802Export refunds
1803Import refunds
1018Advance payment for export/import goods paid in full
1019Advance payment for export/import goods paid in partial
1015Bunkers & Stores
1097Trade transaction other than export-import, and bunkers & stores in Indonesia
1098Trade transaction other than export-import, and bunkers & stores outside Indonesia
1804Refunds for trade transaction other than export-import, and bunkers & stores
1400Goods processing services
1405Goods maintenance and repair services
1411Passenger transportation services - by sea
1412Passenger transportation services - by air
1413Passenger transportation services - other than by sea or by air
1421Export and import freight transportation services - by sea
1422Export and import freight transportation services - by air
1423Export and import freight transportation services - other than by sea or by air
1431Freight transportation services non export and import - by sea
1432Freight transportation services non export and import - by air
1433Freight transportation services non export and import - other than by sea or by air
1441Auxiliary transportation services - by sea
1442Auxiliary transportation services - by air
1443Auxiliary transportation services - other than by sea or by air
1450Postal and courier
1461Business travel
1462Personal travel
1466Health services in Indonesia
1467Health services abroad
1468Education/training services in Indonesia
1469Education/training services abroad
1480Telecommunication services
1490Computer services
1495Information services
1501Construction services in Indonesia up to 1 year
1502Construction services in Indonesia more than 1 year
1511Construction services abroad up to 1 year
1512Construction services abroad more than 1 year
1521Direct life insurance premium
1522Direct life insurance benefit
1523Direct freight insurance premium
1524Direct freight insurance claim
1525Other direct insurance premium
1526Other direct insurance claim
1531Reinsurance premium
1532Reinsurance claim
1533Reinsurance commission
1541Auxiliary insurance services
1546Pension fund contribution
1547Pension fund benefit
1550Financial services
1560Copyrights related
1570Research and development
1580Law, accounting, management consultation, and public relation
1590Advertising, market research, and surveys
1600Architecture, Engineering, and other technical related matter
1610Mining, agriculture, and waste & pollution management
1615Operational leasing for goods rental
1616Operational leasing for transportation rental without crew
1630Trade related services
1640Other business related services
1651Art, culture, and recreational services in Indonesia
1652Art, culture, and recreational services abroad
1660Government related services
1670Other services
1127Settlement account balances (netting) - related to export transactions
1129Settlement account balances (netting) - not related to export transactions
1701Income from securities transactions issued by non resident for up to 1 year
1702Income from securities transactions issued by non resident for more than 1 year
1705Income from current account and saving account, including mudharabah saving and deposit
1710Income from loan account (including financial leasing, murabahah, musyarakah, salam paralel, istishna' paralel, and ijarah)
1716Income from securities transactions issued by resident for up to 1 year
1717Income from securities transactions issued by resident for more than 1 year
1720Income from Gold Swap
1725Dividends and profits including profit from managed fund
1730Fee received by the owner of the securities related to securities lending transaction
1731Fee received by the owner of the securities related to gold loans or gold swaps
1150Transfer of income (worker's remittances)
1163Worker's income
1741Land rent services
1742Office space, apartment, housing and other similar kind of services
1743Land & office space, land & apartment, land & housing, and other similar kind of services
1751Grant or other similar kind (in cash) not related to obligation to purchase fixed asset
1752Grant or other similar kind (in cash) related to obligation to purchase fixed asset
1760Sanction/penalty, and other similar kind
1765Tax, retribution, restitution and other similar kind
1766Income and welfare tax
1767Other Tax
1770Rights to use natural resources
1193Sale and purchase of non financial marketing assets
1194Sale and purchase of non financial contract, lease, and licensing assets
1197Sale and purchase of land
1198Sale and purchase of building
1203Capital investment in Indonesia
1204Capital investment abroad
1206Capital divestment in Indonesia
1207Capital divestment abroad
1311Stocks securities transactions issued by non resident
1321Bonds securities transactions issued by non resident with tenor more than 1 year
1322Medium Term Notes (MTNs) securities transactions issued by non resident with tenor more than 1 year
1323Other long terms securities transactions issued by non resident with tenor more than 1 year
1331Treasury Bills securities transactions issued by non resident with tenor up to 1 year
1332Promissory Notes (PNs/Promes) securities transactions issued by non resident with tenor up to 1 year
1333Other short terms securities transactions issued by non resident with tenor up to 1 year
1341Stocks securities transactions issued by resident
1342Other equity securities transactions such as warrant and right issued by resident
1351Government bonds issued by resident with tenor more than 1 year
1352Corporate bonds issued by resident with tenor more than 1 year
1353Medium Term Notes (MTNs) securities transactions issued by resident with tenor more than 1 year
1354Other long terms securities transactions issued by resident with tenor more than 1 year
1361Sertifikat Bank Indonesia (SBI) and Sertifikat Wadiah Bank Indonesia (SWBI) securities transactions issued by resident with tenor up to 1 year
1362Surat Perbendaharaan Negara (SPN) securities transactions issued by resident with tenor up to 1 year
1363Promissory Notes (PNs/Promes) securities transactions issued by resident with tenor up to 1 year
1364Negotiable Certificate of Deposit (NCD) securities transactions issued by resident with tenor up to 1 year
1365Other short terms securities transactions issued by resident with tenor up to 1 year
1366Bank Indonesia deposit certificate securities transactions issued by resident with tenor up to 1 year
1371Mutual funds (Reksadana)
1372Traded mutual funds (Reksadana)
1375Sale of securities transactions issued by resident with Repurchase Agreement (Repo) by the owner with tenor up to 1 year
1376Sale of securities transactions issued by resident with Repurchase Agreement (Repo) by the owner with tenor more than 1 year
1377Resale of securities transactions issued by resident with Repurchase Agreement (Repo) by the buyer with tenor up to 1 year
1378Resale of securities transactions issued by resident with Repurchase Agreement (Repo) by the buyer with tenor more than 1 year
1379Repurchase of securities transactions issued by resident with Repurchase Agreement (Repo) by the owner with tenor up to 1 year
1380Repurchase of securities transactions issued by resident with Repurchase Agreement (Repo) by the owner with tenor more than 1 year
1381Purchase of securities transactions issued by resident with Repurchase Agreement (Repo) with tenor up to 1 year
1382Purchase of securities transactions issued by resident with Repurchase Agreement (Repo) with tenor more than 1 year
1821Sale of securities transactions issued by non resident with Repurchase Agreement (Repo) by the owner with tenor up to 1 year
1822Sale of securities transactions issued by non resident with Repurchase Agreement (Repo) by the owner with tenor more than 1 year
1823Resale of securities transactions issued by non resident with Repurchase Agreement (Repo) by the buyer with tenor up to 1 year
1824Resale of securities transactions issued by non resident with Repurchase Agreement (Repo) by the buyer with tenor more than 1 year
1825Repurchase of securities transactions issued by non resident with Repurchase Agreement (Repo) by the owner with tenor up to 1 year
1826Repurchase of securities transactions issued by non resident with Repurchase Agreement (Repo) by the owner with tenor more than 1 year
1827Purchase of securities transactions issued by non resident with Repurchase Agreement (Repo) with tenor up to 1 year
1828Purchase of securities transactions issued by non resident with Repurchase Agreement (Repo) with tenor more than 1 year
1221Loan provision/withdrawal with tenor up to 1 year
1222Loan provision/withdrawal with tenor more than 1 year
1231Loan repayment with tenor up to 1 year
1232Loan repayment with tenor more than 1 year
1233Financial lease
1383Factoring with bank in Indonesia with tenor up to 1 year
1384Factoring with bank in Indonesia with tenor more than 1 year
1385Factoring with corporate in Indonesia with tenor up to 1 year
1386Factoring with corporate in Indonesia with tenor more than 1 year
1387Factoring with bank abroad with tenor up to 1 year
1388Factoring with bank abroad with tenor more than 1 year
1389Factoring with corporate abroad with tenor up to 1 year
1390Factoring with corporate abroad with tenor more than 1 year
1391Payment by cash provider in gold swap transactions with duration of agreement up to 1 year
1392Payment by cash provider in gold swap transactions with duration of agreement more than 1 year
1393Refund by the gold owner in gold swap transactions with duration of agreement up to 1 year
1394Refund by the gold owner in gold swap transactions with duration of agreement more than 1 year
1395Fund received by cash provider in gold swap transactions with duration of agreement up to 1 year
1396Fund received by cash provider in gold swap transactions with duration of agreement more than 1 year
1397Fund received by gold owner in gold swap transactions with duration of agreement up to 1 year
1398Fund received by gold owner in gold swap transactions with duration of agreement more than 1 year
1808Working capital/Cashcall - Oil & Gas
1809Working capital/Cashcall - Non Oil & Gas
1811Advance payment related to non export and import goods
1812Advance payment related to insurance
1813Other advance payment
1814Refund of ordering fee for securities transactions related to Initial Public Offering (IPO) and private placement
1815Reimbursement for emergency fund
1240Term Deposit placement in Indonesia with tenor up to 3 months
1242Deposit placement in Indonesia with tenor from 3 to 6 months
1243Deposit placement in Indonesia with tenor more than 6 months
1244Term Deposit withdrawal in Indonesia with tenor up to 3 months
1245Other type of deposit withdrawal, including current account and call money in Indonesia with tenor up to 3 months
1246Deposit withdrawal in Indonesia with tenor from 3 to 6 months
1247Deposit withdrawal in Indonesia with tenor more than 6 months
1252Offshore deposit placement including current account and call money with tenor more than 3 months
1255Offshore deposit withdrawal including current account and call money with tenor up to 3 months
1256Offshore deposit withdrawal including current account and call money with tenor more than 3 months
1257Foreign exchange proceeds withdrawal from offshore account
1261Foreign exchange spot transaction against rupiah
1262Foreign exchange spot transaction against other foreign currency
1263Foreign exchange forward transaction against rupiah
1264Foreign exchange forward transaction against other foreign currency
1271Derivative transaction - profit from forward or similar type of transactions (including swaps and future)
1272Derivative transaction - receipt for Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)
1273Derivative transaction - receipt in interest swap or currency swap transactions
1274Derivative transaction - receipt for initial/repayable margin
1275Derivative transaction - receipt for variation/non repayable margin
1276Derivative transaction - premium receipt in option transactions
1277Derivative transaction - principal receipt in first leg of currency swap transactions. Including advance payment in over the counter swaps
1278Derivative transaction - principal receipt in final leg of currency swap transactions.
1279Derivative transaction - premium receipt in credit default swap transactions
1280Collateral deposit/refund
1282Refund for transaction other than export/import and other type of goods transactions
1299Other capital/financial transactions
1000Default Purpose Code for amount <10k USD equivalent
1NNNTransaction impacting more than 2 accounts
1901Transaction between Non resident
1902Credit Card transaction
1903Bank Notes transaction
1904Travel Cheque transaction
1905Wesel Export transaction, takeover from customers
1906Refund, cancellation of forward payment and adjustment
1907Status Amendment transaction
1911Wesel Export transaction for Refinancing
1912Wesel Export transaction for Repayment Refinancing
1981DHE Deposit placement up to 1 month
1982DHE Deposit placement up to 3 month
1983DHE Deposit Placement up to 6 month
1984DHE Deposit placement more than 6 month
1985DHE Deposit withdrawal
1986Transfer fund within DHE account, for intrabank or bank to bank transfer
1987Transfer fund to non DHE account from DHE account
1988Interest for DHE account