SWIFT Payouts

Supported Currencies




  • GTQ Payouts to individuals are not permitted

Field Requirements

Payment AddressaccountReferenceIBAN (28)
RegEx format: ^GT\d{2}[A-Z0-9]{4}[A-Z0-9]{20}$
routingCodeSWIFT BIC (8) or (11): xxxxGTxx or
RegEx format: ^[A-Z]{4}GT[A-Z0-9]{2}([A-Z0-9]{3})?$
accountNameOnly required if the name on the account differs to the Recipient name
RecipientphysicalAddressCountry, City, streetName and Postal Code are required
phoneCountryCode & PhoneNumberRequired for payouts in GTQ
PayoutpaymentReasonSelect Payment Reason Code from list below

Payment Reason Codes

PaymentReason CodeDescription
buying_a_vehiclePayment related to the purchase of a vehicle, such as a car or motorcycle.
buying_or_selling_a_businessTransactions involved in the acquisition or sale of a business entity.
buying_or_selling_sharesPayments related to the buying or selling of stocks or shares in financial markets.
donating_to_charityContributions made to a charitable organization for philanthropic purposes.
emigrationPayments associated with the process of permanently moving to another country.
family_supportFinancial assistance provided to family members for their well-being or specific needs.
giftMonetary transfers given as a present or token of goodwill.
inheritanceFunds received as part of an inheritance from a deceased person's estate.
living_expensesPayments for day-to-day living costs, such as rent, utilities, and groceries.
medical_costsTransactions covering medical expenses, including healthcare services and medications.
online_store_purchasePayments made for goods or services purchased through online stores or e-commerce platforms.
paying_bills_or_mortgageSettlements for regular bills or mortgage payments.
paying_business_invoiceClearing invoices or bills related to business transactions.
paying_for_holiday_or_accomodationExpenses for vacations, travel, or accommodation.
payrollSalary disbursements for employees of a company or organization.
pension_or_superannuation_transferTransfers of funds related to pension or superannuation accounts.
professional_servicesPayments for services provided by professionals, such as consultants or freelancers.
property_purchase_or_saleTransactions involving the acquisition or sale of real estate.
repatriating_overseas_earningsRepatriating Overseas Earnings
salary_transferTransfers of salary or wages between accounts.
taxFinancial transactions associated with taxes
tuition_or_school_feesPayments for educational expenses, including tuition and school fees.
weddingFinancial transactions associated with wedding expenses and preparations.
otherMiscellaneous category for payments not covered by the specified reasons.