The following table lists the possible 422 error messages you might receive. These error messages come when you hit a POST endpoint with a valid JSON payload, but the request fails due to business logic with the Send Payments platform. These error messages do update from time to time as we seek to provide better clarity on failures.
Endpoint | Error Message |
POST /payin-address | Wallet with id ${payload.walletId} status is ${WalletStatus.Inactive} |
POST /payin-address | Payin addresses per wallet limit reached |
Endpoint | Error Message |
POST /payments/payout | Wallet currency ${walletCurrency} doesn't match Payment Transaction currency ${transactionCurrency} |
POST /payments/payout | Currency ${currency} is not permitted |
POST /payments/payout | Payment Address ${} is associated with a different recipient |
POST /payments/payout | Payment Type ${paymentAddress.payoutType} is not permitted |
POST /payments/payout | Payment Address currency ${paymentAddress.currency} does not match Payment Transaction currency ${currency} |
POST /payments/payout | Payout Type ${paymentAddress.payoutType} is not permitted |
Endpoint | Error Message |
POST /payments/transfer | Wallet currency ${fromWallet.currency} doesn't match To Wallet currency ${toWallet.currency} |
POST /payments/transfer | Wallet currency ${toWallet.currency} doesn't match Transfer currency ${transferCurrency} |
POST /payments/transfer | Wallet with id ${} is not active |
POST /payments/transfer | Wallet with id ${} is not active |
POST /payments/transfer | Trading account with id ${} is not active |
POST /payments/transfer | Trading account with id ${} is not active |
POST /payments/transfer | paymentReason cannot be empty |
POST /payments/transfer | Currency ${currency} is not permitted |
Endpoint | Error Message |
POST /recipients & POST/{recipientId}/payment-addresses | Trading Account with id ${recipient.tradingAccountId} is not active |
POST /recipients & POST/{recipientId}/payment-addresses | Payment Address currency ${paymentAddress.currency} is not permitted |
POST /recipients & POST/{recipientId}/payment-addresses | Payout type ${paymentAddress.payoutType} is not permitted |
POST /recipients & POST/{recipientId}/payment-addresses | Invalid bank routing number for ${paymentAddress.bankCountry} |
POST /recipients & POST/{recipientId}/payment-addresses | Country ${countryCode} is not permitted |
POST /recipients & POST/{recipientId}/payment-addresses | Payout type ${payoutType} is not permitted |
POST /recipients & POST/{recipientId}/payment-addresses | Currency ${currency} is not permitted to buy |
Endpoint | Error Message |
POST /quotes | Trading Account with id ${tradingAccountId} is not active |
POST /quotes | Customer Account associated with Trading Account id ${tradingAccountId} is not active |
POST /quotes | Rate Sheet with id ${} does not belong to Trading Account id ${} |
POST /quotes | Rate Sheet with id ${} does not belong to Parent Account id ${} |
POST /quotes | Rate sheet has expired |
POST /quotes | Sell currency ${sellCurrency} is not enabled for your account |
POST /quotes | Buy currency ${buyCurrency} is not enabled |
POST /quotes | Rate sheet does not exist |
Endpoint | Error Message |
POST /wallets | Trading account is not active |
POST /wallets | Wallet per currency limit reached |
POST /wallets | Currency ${payload.currency} is not available for this trading account |