How do I remove recipients
I have my name in the recipients 3 times, all with different addresses as I have moved several times. I can't tell which one of these has my current address. There doesn't appear to be any way to find this out and I can't delete the recipients in order to put in a new version with the correct address. Are you able to let me know how I can do this please. I don't want the transfer money and have it get lost because the address doesn't match my current address that the bank has on record.
Quote vs Ratesheet
What are the differences between the quote and the ratesheet endpoints? When should I use each one?
Same Currency Payments
If I wanted to send AUD into another country without changing it into another currency, how would I do that?
AccountId vs TradingAccountId
Why are there two ID's when creating an account? Which should I use?